You probably already know the easiest, fastest and best way to learn and master guitar is to be taking lessons with an excellent guitar teacher. But did you also know that taking guitar lessons is the most fun way to learn?
If you’re not enrolled in guitar lessons yet, now is the time to get started so that your fun can begin! Want to have double the fun? Opt for some form of group guitar classes instead of private lessons. You’ll learn more, you will no longer feel insecure about playing in front of others and you’ll have way more fun! Hey, few things are more fun than jamming with others as you learn and master what your teacher is showing you!
Learning on your own, from friends or by watching random videos on the internet is frustrating, not fun. If you’ve done any of those things, you know what I mean.
What If You’re Already Taking Guitar Lessons?
If you’re already taking lessons and you’re still not having as much fun as you want, here are some great tips from Jake Melling, president of the American Academy of Guitar Mastery:
· Be clear on exactly why you want to become a better guitar player.
· Think about how much you have improved as a guitar player since you began taking lessons. You’ll probably discover that you’ve come a long way since then. Focusing on this thought helps you get into a state-of-mind that induces fun (more on this later).
· Have a heart-to-heart talk with your instructor. Let him know you’re not having as much as you planned, but want to work with him to change this.
· Review your guitar playing goals and share them with your teacher.
· Set yourself up for success (and fun). Before you leave your home to go to your guitar lesson, leave your problems and worries at home. Plan to have fun and you’ll likely find it. Expect to have fun and you’ll likely get it.
Sometimes other people can make us laugh or smile, but happiness starts from within. Fun is a state-of-mind. You can choose to have fun in most situations you will find yourself in.
· Ask yourself if the reason why you don’t seem to be having a lot of fun is related to what you are learning, how fast (or slow) you are improving or if it’s something in your personal life that has nothing to do with your lessons, practicing or playing guitar.
· If you find that the lack of fun is not due to anything already discussed and it’s simply the fault of a poor teacher, try another guitar teacher.
What To Do If Your Guitar Practice Isn’t Fun
According to Tom Hess, coach to guitar teachers worldwide, tracking your guitar playing improvement in an objective way helps students have more fun as they practice. Why? Because tracking your guitar playing progress is a huge motivator fro most students.
As you practice, you make very small gains, as you track them you feel more motivated to practice and an increase in fun naturally follows. Who wouldn’t have more fun practicing guitar when real & measurable improvements are plotted on charts and graphs over time?
It does make practicing more fun.